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Unpacking the Autumn Statement: Key Takeaways from Chancellor Hunt’s Announcement

Unpacking the Autumn Statement: Key Takeaways from Chancellor Hunt’s Announcement

Chancellor Jeremy Hunt’s Autumn Statement, delivered in the House of Commons, marks a significant shift in the UK’s economic policy, particularly for the business sector. With a series of measures designed to stimulate growth, support innovation, and ease financial burdens, this statement is poised to reshape the landscape for businesses of all sizes. Here’s an […]

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Understanding the important of Executive Income Protection Insurance

Understanding the important of Executive Income Protection Insurance

In the realm of business, the health and wellbeing of your employees are paramount. As a business owner or manager, you’re not just responsible for the strategic direction of your company but also for the welfare of those who work for you. This is where Executive Income Protection (EIP) plays a vital role, offering a […]

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Give your children a head start

Give your children a head start

Saving for retirement might not be something you think about starting in childhood, but creating a pension for your children – even though they’re decades away from retirement – can set them up for future financial wellbeing. Download our guide now  If you would like to know more about this then you can email us […]

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Introducing Our Handy Pension Calculator: Your Tool for Retirement Planning

Introducing Our Handy Pension Calculator: Your Tool for Retirement Planning

Are you caught up in the complexities of retirement planning? Concerned about building a sufficient pension fund? You’re not alone, and that’s why we’re thrilled to introduce our Pension Calculator. This easy-to-use calculator is tailored to help you estimate your pension fund’s growth, giving you a clearer picture of your financial future. Why Should You […]

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Your pension fund is like a personal savings pot for your retirement.

Your pension fund is like a personal savings pot for your retirement.

Today, we’re taking another look at UK PENSIONS with new insights and the latest figures. Your pension fund is like a personal savings pot for your retirement. The good news? Once your money is in there, it’s yours. No one can touch it, even if your company runs into problems. There are great tax benefits with UK […]

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Why Investing Makes Sense

Why Investing Makes Sense

The attached chart provides an insightful illustration of investment outcomes over the last 22 years. If, hypothetically, you had invested £100,000 into your pension back in 2001, the growth by June 2023 would be quite significant, and heavily influenced by the nature of the asset class chosen. For those brave souls who chose to venture […]

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Pensions: Your Key to Intergenerational Wealth and Reduced Inheritance Tax

Pensions: Your Key to Intergenerational Wealth and Reduced Inheritance Tax

Just in, HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) reported a record collection of £2 billion in inheritance tax (IHT) for the period between April and June this year. This figure stands as a stark reminder of the significant role IHT plays in the UK’s taxation landscape. It also highlights the importance of seeking effective strategies to […]

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Enhance Your Employee Benefits Package with Rewarding Pension Schemes: A COMPLIMENTARY Employee Meeting You Can’t Miss

Enhance Your Employee Benefits Package with Rewarding Pension Schemes: A COMPLIMENTARY Employee Meeting You Can’t Miss

Every employer strives to create a thriving work environment where employees feel valued, secure and motivated. One of the key ways to do this is through a comprehensive and rewarding benefits package, with a solid pension scheme at its core. The UK government’s introduction of the NEST auto enrolment pensions has been a fantastic step […]

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Maximising Your Cash Returns: Discover the Power of Flagstone with Kudos Wealth

Maximising Your Cash Returns: Discover the Power of Flagstone with Kudos Wealth

Cash is a vital component of financial security and well-being, and finding the best options to make your money work harder is crucial. While High Street banks may be the go-to choice, better rates can often be found elsewhere. In this blog post, we will introduce you to Kudos Wealth, a trusted financial advisor that […]

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How much should you be saving into your pension?

How much should you be saving into your pension?

According to Which?, a yearly income of approximately £25,000 for couples or £19,000 for individuals can provide a ‘comfortable’ lifestyle in retirement. For couples, this translates to saving £276 per month if you’re 30 and haven’t started pension savings yet. This amount increases to £384 monthly for couples if you’re 40 and have no pension […]

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How Pensions Can Pass to Beneficiaries IHT-Free

How Pensions Can Pass to Beneficiaries IHT-Free

Inheritance Tax (IHT) is often a significant concern when planning for the future of your loved ones. Fortunately, pensions can offer an effective and valuable solution, as they can be passed to beneficiaries free of IHT in many cases. In this blog, we will explore the role of pensions in estate planning and discuss the […]

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Let the Tax Man Pay for Your Life Cover – A Cost-Effective Solution

Let the Tax Man Pay for Your Life Cover – A Cost-Effective Solution

Life insurance may not be the most exciting topic, but what if we told you there was a way to make it more cost-effective? Enter the Relevant Life Plan – a tax-efficient and affordable alternative to traditional life insurance that can benefit both your employees and your business. Benefits of a Relevant Life Plan: Affordable […]

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Are you still getting good value from your ISAs?

Are you still getting good value from your ISAs?

As the tax-year end approaches, many of us are checking our ISAs and considering whether we’re still getting value for money from any Cash ISAs we have. This year, interest rates on Cash ISAs have risen significantly, which is good news for savers. However, with inflation currently topping 10.1%, the spending power of your money […]

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General News Update

General News Update

Businesses, charities, and the public sector will receive limited energy discounts from 1 April in a year-long £5.5bn package announced by the Chancellor The new energy scheme will replace the current scheme ending in March and will run for a year. All eligible UK businesses and other non-domestic energy users will receive a discount on […]

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Merchant Cash Advance Loans: Quick Funding Solution for Small Businesses

Merchant Cash Advance Loans: Quick Funding Solution for Small Businesses

If you’re a small business owner in the UK, you may have heard of a merchant cash advance (MCA) loan as a way to access funding for your business. An MCA loan is a type of business financing that provides a lump sum payment in exchange for a portion of your future credit card sales. […]

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How a pension fund can benefit you financially

How a pension fund can benefit you financially

Are you wondering how investing in a pension fund can benefit you financially? Here are some key points to consider when it comes to money going into and coming out of your pension fund. Firstly, when money goes into your pension fund, it becomes your personal pot. This means that once you leave a company, […]

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